Published July 31, 2023 | Version V1
Report Open

Data Ethics Review and Data Management Plan

  • 1. TCD
  • 2. ICTLC


This Data Management Plan (DMP) takes into account best practices around the management of research data as will
be found in the KT4D project, including consideration of FAIR and open research data, as well as, specific privacy, data
protection and security standards with respect to the data processing activities of the consortium. The aim of this
DMP is to ensure maximally beneficial, but also lawful, secure, and ethically sound data processing, sharing, and reuse
in line with both current and proposed EU legislation in the context of the project’s activities.


KT4D_D1.1_Data Management Plan and Ethics_V1_final.pdf

Files (7.6 MB)

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European Commission
KT4D – Knowledge Technologies for Democracy 101094302