Published August 8, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

MCMC simulations from the posterior distributions of European migration flows

  • 1. University of Southampton


Project leader:

  • 1. University of Southampton


This folder contains three RData files each containing MCMC simulations from the posterior distributions of a Bayesian hierarchal model used to estimate European migration flows, developed as part of the project Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy (QuantMig,; see Aristotelous, Smith and Bijak (2022) for details. The first set of estimates are disaggregated by origin, destination and time, a breakdown which we denote as ODT. The second and third sets of estimates are again disaggregated by origin, destination and time, but they are additionally disaggregated by other factors. The second set is further disaggregated by age and sex and the third by just birth region. We respectively denote these breakdowns as ODAST and ODBT. Also, included in this folder is an R script to calculate summaries of these posterior distributions (means, and lower and upper quartiles) and output them to csv files, which are also in the folder. For further details, see deliverable_6_4_v1_2.pdf also in the folder.


QuantMig D6.4 European Migration Flows - Zenodo

Files (5.9 GB)

Additional details


QuantMig – Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy 870299
European Commission


  • Aristotelous, G., Smith, P. W. F., and Bijak, J. (2022). Technical report: Estimation methodology. QuantMig Deliverable D6.3, University of Southampton, Southampton.