Published June 26, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Unscented Optimal Control for 3D Coverage Planning with an Autonomous UAV Agent


We propose a novel probabilistically robust con- troller for the guidance of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in coverage planning missions, which can simultaneously optimize both the UAV’s motion, and camera control inputs for the 3D coverage of a given object of interest. Specifically, the coverage planning problem is formulated in this work as an optimal control problem with logical constraints to enable the UAV agent to jointly: a) select a series of discrete camera field-of- view states which satisfy a set of coverage constraints, and b) optimize its motion control inputs according to a specified mission objective. We show how this hybrid optimal control problem can be solved with standard optimization tools by converting the logical expressions in the constraints into equal- ity/inequality constraints involving only continuous variables. Finally, probabilistic robustness is achieved by integrating the unscented transformation to the proposed controller, thus enabling the design of robust open-loop coverage plans which take into account the future posterior distribution of the UAV’s state inside the planning horizon.


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European Commission
KIOS CoE – KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence 739551