Published March 17, 2023 | Version v1
Lesson Open

Marine Environmental Indicators VLab in the pilot Blue-Cloud

  • 1. CMCC Foundation


The demonstrator “Marine Environmental Indicators” has a specific focus on data related to the marine environment, and it is led by the CMCC Foundation, in collaboration with IFREMERMercator Ocean International, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), and the University of Bergen.

The objectives of this demonstrator are to:

  •  Calculate and distribute online information and indicators on the environmental quality of the marine area.
  •  Obtain new added-value data applying big data analysis and machine learning methods on multi-source data sets.
  •  Enable users to perform online and on-the-fly operations, such as selecting a portion of a dataset, to perform statistical analysis or display the data.

The target audience of the service includes intermediate users such as environmental protection agencies, and international stakeholders in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), in the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 "Life below water", and in the Blue Economy.

The service offers to them a flexible capacity to perform statistical analyses of the quality and characteristics of the marine environment for the Mediterranean Sea region, with the possibility to scale in the next version up to the Global Ocean.

Attention is also dedicated to scientific users, providing to them a tool to facilitate the discovery of new climatic indicators based on machine learning, and a simplified way to analyse oceanographic data.

These slides were presented by Francesco Palermo (CMCC Foundation) at the first Blue-Cloud Training Academy webinar on 17 March 2023.

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Test the Marine Environmental Indicators Virtual Lab



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European Commission
Blue-Cloud 2026 – A federated European FAIR and Open Research Ecosystem for oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters 101094227
European Commission
Blue Cloud – Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 862409