Published June 8, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

GDI - D4.1: Helpdesk roadmap


This deliverable develops a roadmap for deploying both national and unified virtual helpdesks that coordinate internal (partners) and external (end-users) requests for support with the GDI infrastructure. It is proposed that the FitSM IT service management standard is used as a basis for the helpdesk as it supports federated scenarios, and a roadmap has been built to develop a helpdesk based on this, to be operational by April 2025. The roadmap will allow a constant flow of information between project partners via several communication tools and regulated by common SOPs, terms of use, and compliance with the GDPR requirements. In addition, knowledge exchange will be maintained with other operators of federated IT services to ensure best practice and aim for organisational interoperability with other projects and data spaces.


GDI project receives funding from the European Union's Digital Europe Programme under grant agreement number 101081813.


20230608_GDI_D4.1 Helpdesk roadmap.pdf

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