Published May 30, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

GDI - D1.13: 1st GDI quarterly implementation report

  • 1. ELIXIR Hub
  • 2. CSC


The European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) is a deployment project, co-funded by the Digital Europe programme. GDI's main objective is to realise the data infrastructure required by the 1+MG initiative to share high-quality genotypic and phenotypic data across borders; the 1+MG Virtual Cohort. Countries participating have committed to reach a concrete operational level before the end of the project (progressing across different phases: onboarding, deployment or operational) which will require them to fulfil technical and non-technical requirements.
In addition, the establishment of required technical capacity in each Node has been identified as a critical factor for the success of the project and the long-term sustainability of the data infrastructure and the initiative.
This document presents the results of the initial European Genomic Data Infrastructure monitoring activities layed out in D1.12 that are initially focussed on:

● the deployment of the technical expertise required to deploy and operate the European Genomic Data Infrastructure to share access to data across borders, building the technical capacity to run the infrastructure beyond the end of the project, and,
● the evolution of the European Genomic Data Infrastructure Nodes. GDI Nodes will transition across different phases in their journey to be fully operational and integrated into the European Genomic Data Infrastructure.


GDI project receives funding from the European Union's Digital Europe Programme under grant agreement number 101081813.


20230530 - GDI_D1.13 1st GDI quarterly implementation report.pdf

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