Published May 15, 2023 | Version V1
Project deliverable Open

KT4D Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Activities

  • 1. TRUST IT


KT4D's “Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Activities”, released at Month three, outlines and describes the main objectives and actions for the communication, dissemination, and stakeholder engagement activities for Knowledge Technologies for Democracy (KT4D), the methodology and assets underpinning the strategy. It outlines the actions taken during the first three months (M1 to M3) as well as the envisaged set of actions for the duration of the project going forward (M3-M36) to ensure the successful achievement of the project objectives in terms of appropriate dissemination of main results and outputs, community building endeavours and project recognition.

The KT4D Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Activities is structured to use an extensive set of communication channels to target the wide and diverse network of Stakeholders involved, and through the proactive support of the entire consortium will successfully promote and disseminate the project’s main results and outcomes using an extensive set of communication channels which will be outlined in this document.


D2.1_KT4D_Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Activities.pdf

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European Commission
KT4D – Knowledge Technologies for Democracy 101094302