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Published October 24, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Towards improving Wikidata reuse with emerging patterns

  • 1. University of Bologna
  • 2. University of Amsterdam


The ontology underlying Wikidata has not been formalized. Instead, its semantics emerges from the use of its classes and properties. Flexible rules and suggestions have been defined by the Wikidata project for the use of its ontology, however, it is still often difficult to reuse the ontology’s constructs. In this paper, we describe a method for extracting emerging patterns from (a domain-specific portion of) Wikidata, in the form of statistically frequent domain-property-range triplets. We show the results of our experiments on a Wikidata subset addressing the music domain, and compare them with the current support present in Wikidata. These patterns can provide guidance for the use of the Wikidata ontology and its potential improvement.


Wikidata_Workshop_2022_paper_1411 (1).pdf

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Polifonia – Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge 101004746
European Commission