Published March 24, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

An overview of FAIR4RS and existing tools to assess FAIRness of software

  • 1. University of Edinburgh


This presentation was part of the Research Software workshop, a co-located event with the RDA P20 in Gothenburg. It gives an overview of the FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS) and of the current landscape of FAIR metrics, and FAIR metrics tools with a particular emphasis on metrics for software.

It also presents the session B activity: identifying indicators and metrics for different FAIR4RS principles - the results of this activity are recorded separately in the main dataset from this workshop.


FAIR-Impact RDA20 Software Workshop - FAIR4RS.pptx.pdf

Files (6.4 MB)

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Related works

Presentation: 10.5281/zenodo.7771642 (DOI)


European Commission
FAIR-IMPACT – Expanding FAIR Solutions across EOSC 101057344