Published October 31, 2022 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D3.5 Tools and techniques for collecting evidence of technical and organisational measures – v2

  • 1. XLAB


This deliverable presents tools and techniques for the evidence collection of technical measures, such as security assessment of virtual machines, containers and server less functions or based on the analysis of information and data flows as well as organisational measures through the use of machine-learning and NLP. This is the second iteration of the tool integration, based on a refinement of the technical architecture after the first initial prototype was presented (D3.4). The third iteration will reflect the implementation of the use cases (D3.6). This deliverable is the result of Task 3.2, Task 3.3 and Task 3.4.



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European Commission
MEDINA – Security framework to achieve a continuous audit-based certificationn in compliance with the EU-wide cloud security certification scheme 952633