Published May 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Restricted

D3.2 - GW Analysis Tools

  • 1. University of Pisa
  • 2. European Gravitational Observatory


This report describes the REINFORCE Deliverable D3.2 “GW Analysis Tools”. The document describes the software packages that have been developed to prepare the gravitational-wave data in order for it to be integrated into the WP3 demonstrator on the Zooniverse platform (see Deliverable D3.3). The document describes the latest updates of the data-preparation pipeline and the relative software-analysis tools. We also discuss the tools that will be used to interface the data classified and processed by the citizens to the machine-learning pipeline. We also discuss future prospects, considering the data expected to be produced by the citizen scientists involved
in the project.



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European Commission
REINFORCE – REsearch INfrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe 872859