Two Data Files Included:
Oileffects_ALL_Final = Oil or oil + dispersant effect size calculation data set with meta-data for each experiment, study and response variable
DiversityEffect_MA_Final = Diversity effect size calculation data set with meta-data for each experiment, study and response variable
For both datasets, data parameters and units as described below:
Study Info
Author = first author's surname
Year.conduct = year study was conducted or if published, publication date
Study = separate number assigned to each individual study = Letter representing the experiment within a study that has multiple experiments or treatments (corresponds on the Other.treatment.level column)
Substudy = combination of study and exp. no = response number in row (corresponds with Response type column) within each study = time when response measured (initial, final, etc.) = concatenate of study,, to give unique identifier
GRIIDC = GRIIDC doi for each experiment
Info of Treatment in each row
Oil Exposure Trmt = Oil, dispersant or both were exposed to
Oil exposure concentration = concentration of oil (or dispersant, dispersant + oil) being tested (if multiple levels tested in experiment). NA if there were not multiple levels tested, and instead the concentration is in the Oil Amount column.
Diversity Treatment = monoculture (averaged), max monoculture (best or least affected monoculture in oiling treatment) or polyculture (averaged)
Polyculture.Level = number of species or genotypes in polyculture treatment. NA if not a polyculture treatment in Diversity Treatment as no levels existed.
Max Mono Treatment = identification (species or genotype) of the max (best) monoculture treatment; best monoculture was recorded as the monoculture (on average) that was least affected by oil exposure. NA if not a max.mono in Diversity Treatment as not applicable.
Diversity Info = category of diversity manipulated (i.e. taxonomic, genetic or functional)
# Poly.treat = # of polyculture levels tested in study
Poly.Levels = description of polyculture levels (i.e. 2 species, 4 species, etc.) = additive vs. substitutive
Broad taxa classification = phylum (animal vs plant) of target organisms manipulated
More specific classification = class or order of target organisms
Species = genus and species of manipulated/target organism
Target response species = species that response was measured on
Oiling Info (If ? in any oiling info column, this variable was unclear from GRIIDC, and/or publication)
# oil.levels = # oil exposure levels manipulated in the study
Oil levels = list of oil levels used in study
Oil Amount = amount of oil exposed to in study
Dispersant = Y or N dispersant treatments included in study
dispersant.trmt = Dispersant only, or Dispersant + Oil
Disp. amount = amount of dispersant exposed to in study
Oil.type = source of oil
Disp.type = source of dispersant
Oil.weathered = was oil weathered prior to addition – yes or no
oiling.method = pulse or press oiling
Experimental Design info (If NA in any column design/other trmt column, means that experiment only had diversity and oiling treatments, and no additional experimental treatments)
Other.treatments = additional treatments beside oiling and diversity. Or if multiple types of diversity manipulated within experiment, those are indicated here as well.
#treatment.levels = # of levels of other treatments
Other.treat.level = Description of other treatment level in the experiment
Exp.type = mescosom or microcosm (beakers), & indoor/outdoor
Season = season experiment conducted during
other.treat.level = other treatment level for response in this row
Response Properties
Response.type = actual response variable data in the row = more specific category of response (i.e. fitness, growth, predation, etc.)
Response.level = Population, community or ecosystem level response
Response units = actual units of the response variable (i.e. density, proportion survived)
Duration = experiment duration (total)
If.oil.pulse.timesince = units of time since oil exposure (if pulse exposure)
# times Sample = # of dependent replicates sampled throughout the experiment duration
Time.response = time point of response measured in row
Response to oiling
Mean.oiling = mean response to oiling treatment
Sd.oiling = standard deviation of response to oiling treatment
n.oiling = sample size in oiling treatment = mean response to no oiling treatment = standard deviation of response to no oiling treatment = sample size in no oiling treatment
Meta-analysis Response
LRR (log response ratio to oiling) = LN((Mean.oiling)/(
Var LRR (variance of log response ratio) =〖 Sd.oiling〗^2/((n.oiling)*〖Mean.oiling〗^2 )+〖〗^2/((*〖〗^2 )
Hedge d (effect size): d2 = ( )/√(((n.oiling-1) 〖 Sd.oiling〗^2+ ( 〖〗^2 )/( )) x J
J is a correction factor for small sample sizes (J = 1- 3/(4 ( )-1 ) )
Var Hd (variance of Hedge's d effect size) =
Notes = any other information about how calculated means, etc. for the individual response variable