Published December 16, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

FAIR-IMPACT Synchronisation Force 2022, Session 4 Metadata, semantics and interoperability

  • 1. INRAE
  • 2. UPM
  • 3. Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration / Alfred Wegener Institute
  • 4. National research Council Italy
  • 5. OPERAS-Aix Marseille University
  • 6. ENIT
  • 7. Observatoire de Paris


FAIR-IMPACT’s WP4 focuses on several aspects of the lifecycle of FAIR semantics artefacts – a broader term to include ontologies, terminologies, taxonomies, thesauri, vocabularies, metadata schemas and standards – such as governance, creation, sharing, reuse, FAIRness assessment. FAIR-IMPACT’s T6.1 focuses on semantic interoperability for EOSC and how semantic artefacts help to support it.

In the context of the 1st FAIR-IMPACT Synchronisation Force workshop  this session was organised to gather different communities to make an inventory of the state of use of semantics artefacts in their scientific domain. The chairs surveyed multiple scientific communities directly involved within FAIR-IMPACT and beyond: agri-food, biodiversity/ecology, biomedicine, photons&neutrons, astronomy, materials, industry, earth sciences, social sciences & humanities.


The session was chaired by Clément Jonquet, INRAE and Oscar Corcho, UPM

Which metadata standards and ontologies are used? Is there a reference semantic artefact catalogue in this area? Is there a governance for semantic artefacts? etc. The session featured short summary presentations of experts in each area and discussion for path of improvement, cross-community fertilisation.




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European Commission
FAIR-IMPACT – Expanding FAIR Solutions across EOSC 101057344