GEOCULTURE AND GEOPOLITICS What Interplay for Soft Power Intercommunication(s) in a Globalized World?
- 1. Editor-in-Chief
- 2. Co-editor
- 3. Final Reviewer
I. Mapping the World through Media
- Prologue
- Media and Politics: Which is Controlling Which?
Ahlam Lamjahdi ____________________________________________2
- Cinema, Geopolitics, and Power Surveillance: Screening Middle East in Post-9/11 Hollywood Films
Mohamed Bataoui __________________________________________18
- L’impact des réseaux sociaux sur les représentations culturelles : de la déconstruction à la construction
Hanane Karrouh___________________________________________48
II. The Discourse of Geo-politics/culture across Places and Spaces
- Prologue
- La Méditerranée au-delà de la géopolitique
Francesco Caddeo _________________________________________64
- Extra-political Contacts across the B/Orders: Otherness, Culture and Order
Aziz Qaissi _______________________________________________88
- The Geopolitical Construction of Space: Ceuta and Melilla
Imad Oilad Ali ___________________________________________113
III. The Geocultural/political Fiction
- Prologue
- Postcolonial Arab Science-Fiction Resistance through (Dis)-Appearance: Reclaiming Space and Memory in The Book of Disappearance by Ibtissam Azem
Karmim Rawae and Rabouj Zineb _____________________________140
- Towards a Geocultural Vision of Postcolonialism: A Critical Analysis of Mahmood Mamdani’s Neither Settler nor Native the Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities
Houda Lahbouchi _________________________________________157
IV. The Geo-trio: Crossing Boundaries between Economics, Politics, and Culture
- Prologue
- Geo-cultural and Political Dialogue between Pakistan and Turkey: Resetting the Diplomatic Pace for ‘soft power,’ Regional and Global Imagery in a Changing World
Tahsseen Nizar and Tuğba Aydin Halisoğlu ____________________185
- Towards a Global Market Domination under a Linguistic and a Sociocultural Soft Power Strategy
Lalia Belabdi ____________________________________________226
- Mapping Trends of Geopolitical Research: A Bibliometric Analysis 2000-2021
Sanae Ejjebli ____________________________________________254
V. Mapping Geo-culture across Glocal Relations
- Prologue
- Geo-cultural Interventions in Cross-Civilizational Communication: Towards a Dialogical Approach
Benachour Saidi __________________________________________279
- Morocco’s Geopolitics of Religion in Sub-Saharan Africa: Promoting Religious Dialogue and Spiritual Security
Fatima Zohra Alaoui Mahrez ________________________________299
- La culture, enjeu central des relations internationales
Meryem Mehrez __________________________________________329
- Les Think tanks Marocains et la consolidation d'une vision en relations internationales
Abdelfettah EL Fatin and Abdelouahad Nouib __________________352
VI. Geo-applications in Context
- Prologue
- Emotional Intelligence, Soft Power and the Value of Dialogical Relationships in Intra/Interpersonal Communication
Aicha Adoui ____________________________________________371
- Transformational Soft Power of Generation Z: Analysis of the Geo-Culturalization of the Landscape through Educational Initiatives and Activism
Catherine M. Roche and Patricia E. Szobonya _________________391
- Géopolitique de la traduction juridique
Mohammed Saddougui and Mohammed El Wali _______________433
- The New Era of Climate Advocacy Climate Change Litigation
El Houcine Chougrani and Abdedaim Battioui ________________459
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