Published November 16, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

WIKI-style online crowdsourcing platform of multi-hazard, multi-risk methods, models, and tools


Deliverable 1.1 ‘Wiki-style online crowdsourcing platform of multi-risk methods, models, and tools’ is associated with Task 1.2 ‘Review of methods, models and tools for multi-hazard, multi-risk management’ of work package 1 ‘Diagnosis’ of the MYRIAD-EU project. The aim of the task was to develop a Wiki-style online crowdsourcing platform of examples of qualitative and quantitative multi-hazard, multi-risk methods, models, and tools (approaches), including examples of their application. The purpose of D1.1 is to serve as an information resource and starting point in our laboratory of systemic multi-hazard risk assessment and management. The Disaster Risk Gateway wiki was developed using a mixed-methods approach, including traditional literature reviews and data gathering exercises, combined with participatory activities and data collection forms. The development of the wiki was divided into initial scoping work carried out between September 2021 and January 2022, that was followed by the creation of the online website, including content creation between February and October 2022. The scoping work focused on generating interest and input across the consortium; setting boundaries on the scope and functionality of the wiki; collecting examples of existing approaches, particularly their implementation in mapping out the wiki structure; undertaking an initial scoping of existing literature to design the review task; and exploring and discussing previous or existing wikis to determine the best approach. The wiki design, development, and deployment were undertaken by BGS. It was created using the freely available software, MediaWiki, which is designed for open content, and is hosted by the BGS. Functionality and the appearance of the wiki has been customised through the installation of extensions that are attached to the core software. The wiki has a nested structure and pages are responsive allowing for page optimisation across all devices. The outcome of the scoping work informed the design and structure of the wiki, with the current content classified into two main categories: ‘multi-hazard risk assessment’ and ‘multi-hazard risk management’. In addition to overviews of multi-hazard risk assessment and management approaches, the wiki also contains definitions for key terms. These definitions are sourced from the MYRIAD-EU WP1 deliverable D1.2 ‘Handbook of Multi-hazard, Multi-Risk Definitions and Concepts’. The integration of the wiki into the Dashboard (WP2, Task T2.3) ensures access to the MYRIAD-EU products and services synchronously with key approaches from previous and ongoing external projects. The Disaster Risk Gateway will continue to develop dynamically over time as more content is crowdsourced and new content sub-categories are created by the wiki team.
The Disaster Risk Gateway is available at
The WP1 team would like to acknowledge all the contributions of the consortium on this task and the BGS Intellectual Property, Legal, and Enquiry Services for their support in delivering this work.


D1.1_WIKI_abstract for submission_final.pdf

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European Commission
MYRIAD-EU – Multi-hazard and sYstemic framework for enhancing Risk-Informed mAnagement and Decision-making in the E.U. 101003276