Published November 17, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

An Agent-based Approach to Automated Game Testing: an Experience Report

  • 1. Utrecht University
  • 2. Universitat Politècnica de València
  • 3. Fondazione Bruno Kessler
  • 4. Open Universiteit
  • 5. GoodAI


Computer games are  very challenging to handle for traditional automated testing algorithms. In this paper we will look at intelligent agents as a solution. Agents are suitable for testing games, since they are reactive and able to reason about their environment to decide the action they want to take. This paper presents the experience of using an agent-based automated testing framework called iv4xr to test computer games. Three games will be discussed, including a sophisticated 3D game called Space Engineers. We will show how the framework can be used in different ways, either directly to drive a test agent, or as an intelligent functionality that can be driven by a traditional automated testing algorithm such as a random algorithm or a model based testing algorithm.



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iv4XR – Intelligent Verification/Validation for Extended Reality Based Systems 856716
European Commission