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Published December 19, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Self-evaluation Photon and Neutron RIs for FAIR data certification


This ExPaNDS project deliverable describes a FAIR self-assessment undertaken by the ten ExPaNDS partner Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) over the three-month period July – September 2022. After reviewing selected examples of existing FAIR evaluation frameworks designed to enable assessment at different levels (dataset,
repository, and organisation), the report describes the evaluation approach adopted for the ExPaNDS FAIR self-assessment. As no existing framework met our specific need to focus on FAIR workflows and processes in PaN RIs, it was necessary to select, combine, and adapt existing frameworks. Supported by four underlying guiding principles, our approach drew heavily on the FAIR Principles, the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model, and FAIRsFAIR’s CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling framework. Post-evaluation feedback from ExPaNDS partners indicated that they found the FAIR self-assessment a useful and valuable exercise for understanding current levels of FAIRness at their facilities and for articulating what implementations they have in progress or planned to support FAIR in future. A key output of the ExPaNDS FAIR evaluation is the collected self-assessment reports from the ten partner facilities. These reports are published openly and in full as part of the deliverable. In addition, the self-assessments are supplemented with some high-level observations on the state of the FAIR journey across the ExPaNDS facilities.



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ExPaNDS – EOSC Photon and Neutron Data Services 857641
European Commission