Published July 8, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Evaluating 5G uplink performance in low latency video streaming


In this paper, we evaluate the efficiency of low latency video streaming in a real standalone 5G test environment with a particular focus on uplink latency using UDP and TCP transport protocols. Furthermore, the evaluation comprise also congested scenario in which additional traffic is brought to the uplink reducing the network capacity, which is a common phenomenon in live mobile streaming from the field. Although 5G networking has brought higher capacity and reduced latency, the uplink is usually less prioritized in terms of network share. This limitation can generate a bottleneck in live video streaming use cases requiring low latency, such as delivering real time environmental data between vehicles in V2X scenarios or performing remote operations from a distance. The results gathered from the extensive set of evaluation with test cases indicate that 5G standalone with right uplink to downlink duration ratio has potential for low latency streaming and delay variation stays relatively satisfying level even in congested network scenarios.


copyright EuCNC'22/IEEE



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