Published June 3, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Strategic innovative directions of personnel management of the organization on the basis of the competence approach in the conditions of financial, migration risks, digitalization and sustainable development


Relevance of the research topic. Research of strategic innovative directions of personnel
management of the organization on the basis of the competence approach in the conditions of financial,
migration risks, digitalization and sustainable development is caused by lack of uniform algorithm and
model of the given process.
Formulation of the problem. In today's conditions of financial, migration risks, digitalization and
sustainable development, strategic innovative areas of effective personnel management based on the
competence approach can be considered as the driving force of the organization, the degree of use of
which will directly affect the efficiency of other resources.
Setting the purpose and objectives of the study – to explore strategic innovative areas of
personnel management of the organization on the basis of a competency–based approach in terms of
financial, migration risks, digitalization and sustainable development.

Research method or methodology. The historical–logical method is used in the article; method of
systematization, classification and theoretical generalization; method of logical analysis and synthesis.
Presentation of the main material (research results). It is proved that a high level of
employment and labor activity of workers can be achieved only if the pre–crisis level of production
is restored, the rational structure of entrepreneurship is formed. The developed forecast scheme of
realization of strategic innovative directions of personnel management of the organization on the basis
of the competence approach in the conditions of financial, migration risks, digitalization and sustainable
development is necessary for development of the correct and purposeful policy of work with personnel.
Field of application of results. The results of the study can be used in the practice of innovation–
oriented commercial and non–profit organizations to increase the effectiveness of sustainable
development projects and staffing policy.
Conclusions on the article. According to the results of the study, it is established that the employment
forecast will allow to determine the size of labor resources in a certain time interval. It has been established
that professional development has a positive impact on employees themselves: by improving their skills
and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and get
additional opportunities for professional growth both inside and outside their organization.



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