Published February 29, 2012 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D8.1.4: Plan for Community Code Refactoring

  • 1. CSCS


In this deliverable we present the scientific codes performance modelling carried out during the first six months of work package 8 of PRACE-2IP. For each code selected in the domains of Astrophysics, Material Science, Climate and Particle Physics, we provide a short summary of the algorithms to be the subject of refactoring. A detailed description of the proposed work and its motivations are reported, for most cases motivated through a performance modelling analysis. Each code is supplied with a standard test suite, which allows the verification of quality and correctness of the re-implemented software. A detailed workplan for the implementation phase (M7-20) is presented for each application, specifying the timeline and the milestones for its refactoring, and clearly stating the main objectives of the development work.
In the deliverable we also introduce a fifth scientific community, Engineering, which has recently joined the work package. At the time of the submission of the current document, this community has identified the relevant applications and specified the main targets for code refactoring. The performance analysis and modelling will be added as soon as data and results are available.



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PRACE-2IP – PRACE - Second Implementation Phase Project 283493
European Commission