D1.4: Summary of experience on WebGIS utilization and mobile early warning system for water reuse
This report describes the WebGIS application developed in order to improve urban data sharing and interoperability. The aim is to upgrade WebGIS Acque di Lombardia to integrate quality and risk information from Peschiera Borromeo plant and also the map of the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the Milan metropolitan area where treated effluents meet or can potentially meet the minimum quality standard for water reuse.
The WebGIS will gather cross-sectorial knowledge on water management, urban planning, and farming featuring multi-layer analysis of water demand, crop growth, climate, land use, water stress, water quality, and irrigation performance.
Characteristics of treated water are obviously related to wastewater treatments, but also to other components of Integrated Urban Wastewater and Reuse System (IUWRS), i.e. catchment, sewer network, irrigation system, and irrigated field. For this reason, the first part of the report (Section 1) describes the IUWRS.
Section 2 includes the description of the WebGIS Acque di Lombardia, showing the main components and functions of the current platform and the architecture of the new site, developed within DWC project to share data about wastewater reuse.
Then, in Section 3 new layers are presented, showing water characterization for the WWTPs available for water reuse and describing areas potentially served by these plants.
Peschiera Borromeo case study is presented in Section 4, with a description of the WWTP and the DWC plot. A description of the purple district identified for the Peschiera Borromeo WWTP is reported. Purple district represents the area in which treated water reuse is optimized with a pipe pressurized distribution system that feeds high-efficiency irrigation methods at the field scale.
Finally, a description of the potential integration between Early Warning System and the new site of WebGIS is reported in Section 5, in order to provide a tool for Risk Management.
This report is a draft version of the final report that will be delivered in M42 (November 2022). The final report will keep the same structure but will bring additional input regarding
- The creation of a new layer including areas potentially served by WWTPs and cultivable crop
- The development of new tools to provide information about water reuse
- The integration of tools related to the Risk assessment
- The usability and acceptability of the solution, with feedback from stakeholders (irrigation consortia, ATO, ARPA, CoP)
Furthermore, this report includes some changes due to external comments:
- Addition of paragraph 2.3, to provide a general overview and a schematic diagram of the data integration;
- Addition of paragraphs 3.3 and 4.3 to clearly present the results of the integration;
- Moving of paragraph 4.2 from Section 2 to Section 4. In addition, the executive summary has been updated according to the new structure of the report.
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