Published March 10, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Review on Alternative Energy Production - Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Technology

  • 1. JNAFAU - SPA, Hyderabad - India


In this paper there is an attempt made to understand piezoelectric material is used in an enhanced way of energy harvesting. Piezoelectric materials can be used to convert mechanical energy, such as ambient vibration, into electrical energy, which can then be stored and used to power other devices. When mechanical stress is applied to a piezoelectric substance, it produces an electric charge. When an electric field is introduced, however, a mechanical deformation occurs. The electrical density generated by piezo-film can be stored in a rechargeable battery for later use. Piezoelectric materials offer a wide range of applications in real-world settings. The following are some of the most recent applications. Currently, alternate kinds of energy are required at passenger terminals such as airports and railways all over the world. To keep prices down, preserve friendly and productive relationships with neighbours, and ensure a healthy environment for future generations, cleaner, more sustainable kinds of electrical power are required. Currently, alternate kinds of energy are required at passenger terminals such as airports and railways all over the world. To keep prices down, preserve friendly and productive relationships with neighbours, and ensure a healthy environment for future generations, cleaner, more sustainable kinds of electrical power are required. Piezoelectric devices installed in terminals will allow kinetic energy from foot traffic to be captured. This energy can then be utilised to compensate for some of the electricity that is supplied by the main grid. Lighting systems can then be controlled using such a source of power.


A Review on Alternative Energy Production -Formatted Paper.docx.pdf

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