Underlying dataset to the Report on the Open Consultation of the NPOS2030 Ambition Document
This is the underlying dataset to the Report on the Open Consultation on the NPOS2030 Ambition Document.
This dataset contains the original responses to the online Open Consultation that was open between November 22nd and December 22nd 2021, aiming to give all Netherlands stakeholders the opportunity to reflect on the NPOS2030 Ambition Document of the Netherlands National Programme Open Science (NPOS).
Out of a total of 78 respondents, 54 institutions, networks, initiatives and persons gave their consent to publish their response including their name. They are listed below. 11 Responses are included on a basis of anonymity: this was sometimes caused by having to ask too many people in a network to give their consent. 13 participants decided to not disclose their responses.
NB: Some respondents did say that their responses to the questions about the level of support for each of the four sections of the Ambition Document paint a too negative picture: due to the nature of scoring on a scale of 1-5, they did not see a better way than to give a low score to bring across that they always see ways to improve.
The institutions, networks, initiatives and persons gave their consent to publish their response:
- 4TU.ResearchData
- Adviescollege Open Science van de hogescholen
- Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Avans Hogeschool
- brief consultation of five senior researchers
- Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University
- Dutch Research Council NWO
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Hogeschool Leiden
- KB, National Library of the Netherlands
- Maastricht University Recognition & Rewards Programme Team
- Media voor Vak en Wetenschap (MVW)
- Medical libraries of the STZ Samenwerkende Topklinische ziekenhuizen
- Netherlands eScience Center
- Network of Dutch Open Science Communities: the OSC-NL Board and 60 individual researchers who signed this response
- NL-RSE (Netherlands Research Software Engineers network)
- NRO (Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek)
- NWO Institute Organisation
- ODISSEI (social sciences)
- Open Science programme of the University of Groningen
- Open Science Public Engagement Fellow Network, Utrecht University
- Pedagogische en Onderwijswetenschappen, Faculteit der Maatschappij en Gedragswetenschappen, UvA
- Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN)
- Radboud University
- Radboudumc Nijmegen
- Rathenau Instituut
- Regieorgaan SIA
- Samenwerkingsverband Universiteitsbibliotheken en Koninklijke Bibliotheek (UKB)
- SciComNL (Science Communication Association Netherlands)
- Springer Nature
- Stuurgroep DCC-PO
- The Dutch Parkinson's Association
- The Open Science Community Amsterdam (OSCA). OSCA consists of members from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and the Student Initiative for Open Science (SIOS).
- Three open science specialists at Utrecht University Library: Bianca Kramer, Jeroen Sondervan and Jeroen Bosman
- Tilburg University Open Science Focus Group
- TU Delft
- Universiteit Leiden
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Twente
- Utrecht University Freudenthal Institute Science Communication and Public Engagement group
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Zone "Towards digital (open) educational resources" from the Dutch Acceleration Plan
- Prof.dr. Karin Pfeffer
- Drs Marina Noordegraaf
- Mr. Niels van Tol
- Dr. Egon Willighagen
- Drs (Msc) Gaby Lutgens
- Jeroen Jansen
- Dr. Miaomiao Zhou
- Prof.dr. René Bekkers
- Dr.ir. Rolf Hut
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