Published November 1, 2019 | Version 1
Project deliverable Restricted

D7.1 - H – POPD - Requirement No. 2




This deliverable aims to address the main ethical aspects of the Blue-Cloud project. As such, it identifies first the involvement of users in the various activities around the project. On this basis, it also provides templates for the information and consent form for the participation of humans during these activities in Blue-Cloud.

The document comprises an introduction and description of the project, its objectives, main identified interactions with humans, how to inform and get the consent from participants and finally, the national entities dealing with ethical issues to be informed about these consent forms.

In case of additional activities, or a significant redefinition of the interaction of users with the project, an updated version of this deliverable will be submitted.



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European Commission
Blue Cloud – Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 862409