Published May 31, 2021 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

D2.5: Interfacing Blue Cloud Data Discovery and Access with EOSC


The Blue-Cloud Service platform will enable, among other services, discovery and access of digital objects from the marine science domain via the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) framework. For that purpose, the Discovery and Data Access Service which Blue-Cloud is developing will be made accessible through the EOSC Portal, by harvesting metadata from the domain-specific Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access Service and publishing in EUDAT-B2FIND, EOSC's generic and interdisciplinary discovery service. This allows end-users to search on a cross-domain level in B2FIND, easily accessible to all EOSC users via the EOSC Portal Catalogue and Marketplace . It goes without saying that the more detailed and fine-grained search capabilities of the Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access Service – and of each Blue Data Infrastructures – are not replaced or affected by this undertaking, which is an enhancement of the visibility and findability of marine data also towards other research domains, such as climate sciences or food and agriculture sciences.

This deliverable illustrates conceptually the interfacing of data discovery and access of Blue-Cloud data resources with EOSC. The technical implementation comprises the exposure of metadata of the Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access service and the harvesting by B2FIND and will be carried out as soon as the Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access Service has been launched and is operational.



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European Commission
Blue Cloud – Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 862409