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Published November 30, 2021 | Version Version 1.0 DRAFT
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D5.7 Recommendations for a FAIR EOSC - White Paper FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force 2021

  • 1. DANS
  • 2. CODATA
  • 3. Trust-IT
  • 1. STFC UKRI
  • 2. SPARC Europe


This FAIRsFAIR White Paper provides recommendations to the EOSC Partnership and the EOSC Association Task Forces in three areas related to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the EOSC: 1) FAIR by Design, 2) sustainability of the components: the federated data layer, and 3) a strategic and targeted approach to training. Addressing the recommendations will require the involvement of other stakeholders as well, such as research infrastructures, research funders, policy makers and projects, at national and international, domain and cross-domain levels. Recommendations for instruments to synchronise FAIR-related activities conclude this White Paper.


D5.7_Recommendations_for_a_FAIR_EOSC - White_Paper_FAIRsFAIR_Synchronisation_Force_2021_20211130_v1.0.pdf

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FAIRsFAIR – Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe 831558
European Commission