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Published November 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open



As the name suggests, this deliverable has a twofold purpose –on one hand, it provides an analysis and validation of pilot use case scenarios developed in REFLOW and,on the other hand, it provides an interimevaluation of the REFLOW project, taking a closer look at the experience of pilot cities with the REFLOW Platform, defined hereas “tools, resources and methodologies deployed in the project to support the development of pilot solutions” (see Glossary). The deliverable also evaluates the applicationof the REFLOW Platformin the project using results of a survey and interviews conducted with the consortium members from each pilot city. The full list of resourcesof the REFLOW Platform is presented in section 3.2.


REFLOW_D1.4 Validation and Performance Evaluation_v1.0.pdf

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REFLOW – constRuctive mEtabolic processes For materiaL flOWs in urban and peri-urban environments across Europe 820937
European Commission