Published June 7, 2010 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Process Compliance Measurement Based on Behavioural Profiles

  • 1. Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany
  • 2. IBM India Research Labs, India
  • 3. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany


Process compliance measurement is getting increasing attention in companies due to stricter legal requirements and market pressure for operational excellence. On the other hand, the metrics to quantify process compliance have only been defined recently. A major criticism points to the fact that existing measures appear to be unintuitive. In this paper, we trace back this problem to a more foundational question: which notion of behavioural equivalence is appropriate for discussing compliance? We present a quantification approach based on behavioural profiles, which is a process abstraction mechanism. Behavioural profiles can be regarded as weaker than existing equivalence notions like trace equivalence, and they can be calculated efficiently. As a validation, we present a respective implementation that measures compliance of logs against a normative process model. This implementation is being evaluated in a case study with an international service provider.


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