Published November 2, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Floating Wind O&M Strategies Assessment


This study investigates the effect of different O&M strategies and new requirements on the OPEX in the prospect of future floating offshore wind farms by providing a comprehensive O&M cost model analysis. A commercial-scale reference floating wind farm, consisting of 80 units at 15 MW rating, is modelled with reference site conditions (West of Barra, Scotland; Gran Canaria, Spain; Morro Bay, USA). Further, the wind farms are modelled for two different floater designs, i.e. Windcrete (spar) and ActiveFloat (semi-submersible). The OPEX simulations are carried-out for scenarios with a lifetime of 25 years.

The document is the preprint version of the project Deliverable 4.2, which is still under review by the European Commission


D4.2 - Floating Wind O&M Strategies Assessment_20211005.pdf

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European Commission
COREWIND – COst REduction and increase performance of floating WIND technology 815083