Published August 26, 2021 | Version v1
Book chapter Open

(Trans)languaging Mathematics as a Source of Meaning in Upper-Secondary School in Sweden


  • 1. Dalarna University


In this chapter, the focus is on language, or rather languaging, in a mathematics classroom for recently arrived students (RAS) in upper-secondary school in Sweden where multiple languages were used. Barwell’s (2018) concept language as a source of meaning will be used for the analysis by distinguishing three dimensions: multiple languages, multiple discourses and multiple voices. This means that students and teachers will be understood as languaging mathematics rather than as using mathematical language, which is in line with
Barwell (2018). Thus, the aim of this chapter is to investigate languaging in the negotiation of meaning in a multilingual mathematics classroom in an upper-secondary school in Sweden.


Pedagogical Translanguaging Chapter 8 - (Trans)languaging Mathematics.pdf