Published June 24, 2021 | Version v1
Lesson Open

Risk assessment with social dimension: how does risk governance differ from risk assessment or management?


On Thu, 24 June 2021 a team of the EU H2020 projects NanoRigo and NanoCommons conducted a session dedicated to theme of Risk Governance at the 10th Nanosafety Training School: from Basic Science to Risk Governance - Interprofessional Education Training School 2021.

Martin Himly, Sabine Hofer and Nobert Hofstaetter (University of Salzburg), as well as Dmitri Ciornii (BAM) and Daan Schuurbiers (DPF) built this session on the question “Risk assessment with social dimension: how does risk governance differ from risk assessment or management?” Starting with introducing the process of risk governance, it was discussed how data support decision-making, what data are needed, and what researchers can do in order to provide such data. This also covered FAIR databases, such as the NanoCommons Knowledge Base, and quality assurance, defined by the Knowledge Readiness Level (KaRL). Next to that, different stakeholder views and how socioeconomic aspects can be included into the risk governance process to warrant inclusiveness for different values into the risk/benefit estimation were discussed.


0_Risk Governance Session_overview_MH.pdf

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European Commission
NanoCommons – The European Nanotechnology Community Informatics Platform: Bridging data and disciplinary gaps for industry and regulators (NanoCommons) 731032
European Commission
NANORIGO – Establishing a Nanotechnology Risk Governance Framework 814530