Published June 15, 2021 | Version 1
Presentation Open

Eu-SPRI 2021 - RISIS new resources for researchers and policymakers: ESID and ISI-Trademarks

  • 1. CNR - IRCrES
  • 2. University of Strathclyde
  • 3. ZSI, Centre for Social Innovation
  • 4. Fraunhofer ISI
  • 5. NIFU, Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education
  • 6. AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology


RISIS project organized a sub-plenary at Eu-SPRI 2021 on the 9th of June (4 -5.30 pm) entitled RISIS NEW resources for researchers and policymakers: ESID and ISI-Trademark, with the aim to explore the two new Datasets now available for the researchers’ community and policymakers to face societal challenges.

Emanuela Reale, CNR- IRCRES, opened the session illustrating RISIS infrastructure main goals and achievements.

ESID, European Social Innovation Database illustrated by Abdullah Gok, University of Strathclyde, utilizes advanced machine learning and natural language processing techniques. RISIS ESID is a comprehensive and authoritative source of information on social innovation projects and actors in Europe and beyond. The main goal: to collect information about social innovation projects and actors from the publicly available information on the web. The advantages and innovative aspects of the new Dataset were explored by Dietmar Lampert, ZSI Centre for Social Innovation in a presentation entitled New social innovation resource for policymakers and researchers: ESID – is it useful? 

ISI-Trademark Data Collection (ISI-TM) illustrated by Peter Neuhäusler, Fraunhofer ISI, provides detailed information on trademarks filed at the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) and at the USPTO (the United States Patent and Trademark Office). The importance of these new RISIS resources has been further investigated by Eric Iversen, NIFU. The upcoming scenarios getting the most crucial development in the integration of the various RISIS resources have been depicted in the last part of the session by Thomas Scherngell, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.


Full video of the session:


1_RISIS2_Presentation REALE_EUSPRI.2021.pdf

Files (3.7 MB)

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European Commission
RISIS 2 – European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2 824091