Published June 4, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Relative advantages and compatibility of a biometric patient identification tool in Zambia: a qualitative analysis, Underlying Data

  • 1. Boston University School of Public Health, Department of Global Health
  • 2. University of Zambia School of Public Health
  • 3. Right to Care Zambia




This document includes the following transcripts in order: FDGs 1-3 in Kalomo and FDGs 1-7 in Chawama. A total of ten focus group discussions, which included a total of 60 participants, were conducted in both urban and rural settings of Zambia in February 2020. Focus group discussion transcripts discuss experience with biometrics, experiences with the existing Under-Five Card system, and impressions/experiences related to the novel biometric tool. 



This document includes the following transcripts in order: Interview with Clinician in Kalomo, Interview with Nurse in Charge in Kalomo, Interview with District Health Officer in Kalomo, Interview with Information Officer in Kalomo, Interview with Railways Clinic Clinician in Lusaka, Interview with Nursing Officer in Chawama, Interview with Nurse In Charge at Railways Clinic in Lusaka. A total of 7 key informant interviews were conducted in February 2020 in both rural and urban settings of Zambia. Interview Transcripts discuss experience with biometrics, experiences with the existing Under-Five Card system, and impressions, experiences, and application of to the novel biometric tool. 


UFC Condition

This excel file contains the raw data gathered on the condition of Under-Five Cards over time. Conditions were reported at the following timepoints: 6 days, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 4 months, 5 months, and 6 months. The following observations were made about the cards: cracked, faded, crinkled, crinkled, stained, and like new. One of the aforementioned conditions was categorized as minor damage, 2 conditions categorized as moderate damage, and 3 or more conditions were categorized as extreme damage. At 6 months, more than 70% of the cards were reported as having moderate or extreme damage. 



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