Published May 28, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

NEWSERA - Portrait of Citizen Science Communication Strategies in EU Citizen Science Projects (Questionnaire D2.1)

  • 1. UNIPD


This questionnaire is part of Deliverable 2.1 "Portrait of Citizen Science Communication Strategies in EU Citizen Science Projects" (NEWSERA, project num. 873125). One of the NEWSERA objectives is to explore the current strategies of science communication as implemented by Citizen Science projects across the European Union and the United Kingdom. To achieve such a goal, NEWSERA deployed a survey campaign dedicated to collect quantitative data about communication tools, resources and targets as reported by citizen science projects. This survey has been designed through a multiple steps strategy and it is based on previous research experiences about Citizen Science activities. The questionnaire regarded different areas of interest, including: 1) the structure of the project (e.g. funding, leader, scope); 2) the communication resources as deployed by projects; 3) communicative targets; 4) level of engagement of the citizens (e.g. tasks and roles assigned to citizen scientists). These elements allowed us to define a dedicated portrait of Citizen Science Communication Strategies.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 873125


WP2: Analysis of Citizen Science as a Science Communication Tool - Deliverable 2.1 - Portrait of Citizen Science Communication Strategies in EU Citizen Science Projects


NEWSERA_Questionnaire_D2.1_Portrait of Citizen Science Communication Strategies in EU Citizen Science Projects.pdf

Additional details


NEWSERA – Citizen Science as the new paradigm for Science Communication 873125
European Commission