Published February 24, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D6.1 QNLP design and specification


  • 1. University of Leiden
  • 2. CESGA


Understanding the applicability of NISQ-era devices for a variety of problems is of the utmost importance to better develop and utilise these devices for real-world use-cases. In this document we motivate the use of quantum computing models for natural-language processing tasks, focussing on comparison with existing methods in the classical natural language processing (NLP) community. We define the current state of these NISQ devices, and define methods of interest that will allow us to exploit the resources to implement NLP tasks, by encoding and processing data in a hybrid classical-quantum workflow. For this, we outline the high-level architecture of the solution, and provide a modular design for ease of implementation and extension.



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NEASQC – NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing 951821
European Commission


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