Published May 7, 2021 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open


  • 1. IMBiH
  • 2. UKAS
  • 3. NPL


A common form of presentation for calibration results involves expressing the result as an additive or multiplicative correction. This is the case for vacuum gauges and is illustrated with data using the models described in [1]. The examples and conclusions do, however, have much wider applicability.

This example demonstrates the effect of model assumptions concerning errors in the reference value. In addition, it demonstrates how conformance probability can be affected by these assumptions. The example concludes by demonstrating how correlation can be handled for calibration corrections.

Files contained in the dataset are:

  • “EMUE A1.2.2 Additive or multiplicative”: Zip file containing .tex, .bib and image files
  • “A122.bib”: Bibliography file
  • “EMUE A1.2.2 Additive and multiplicative corrections.tex”: LaTeX file
  • “EMUE_A1_2_2_Additive_or_multiplicative_corrections.pdf”: Report - Measurement models involving additive or multiplicative corrections
  • “EMUE 1.2.2 correlated example.pdf”: PDF of Mathcad document used to perform calculations in section 7


Calculations in the majority of this example are performed by substitution of values into equations provided in the text or through use of standard tabulated values. No software was written for the purpose of performing these calculations which can be made, for example, using standard Excel function cell functions. Section 7 is presented in terms of matrices. The calculation has been performed using Mathcad 7. In view of the lack of backward compatibility and the existence of multiple versions of Mathcad, the calculation is provided as a pdf 'script' which should be straightforward to reproduce.


EMUE 1.2.2 correlated example.pdf

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