Published February 6, 2025 | Version v4.0.1
Dataset Open

isawnyu/pleiades.datasets: Pleiades Datasets 4.0.1

  • 1. ROR icon New York University
  • 2. ROR icon Binghamton University
  • 3. ROR icon University of Iowa
  • 4. ROR icon Jacksonville State University
  • 5. ROR icon University of California, Los Angeles
  • 6. EDMO icon University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
  • 7. ROR icon The University of Texas at Austin
  • 8. ROR icon University of Dallas
  • 9. ROR icon Portland State University


4.0.1 is a minor release to correct a deployment problem from Github to Content is the same as the 4.0 release:

Pleiades gazetteer datasets

Please report problems and make feature requests via the main Pleiades Gazetteer Issue Tracker.

Content is governed by the copyrights of the individual contributors responsible for its creation. Some rights are reserved. All content is distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution license (cc-by).

In order to facilitate reproducibility and to comply with license terms, we encourage use and citation of numbered releases for scholarly work that will be published in static form.

Please share notices of data reuse with the Pleiades community via email to These reports help us to justify continued funding and operation of the gazetteer and to prioritize updates and improvements.

Version 4.0 - 6 February 2025

41,200 place resources

Since release 3.2 of pleiades.datasets on 3 November 2023, the Pleiades gazetteer published 876 new and 9,555 updated place resources, reflecting the work of Johan Åhlfeldt, Ella Arnold, Jeffrey Becker, Gabriel Bodard, Sarah Bond, Catherine Bouras, Lucas Butler, Iulian Bîrzescu, Anne Chen, Birgit Christiansen, Niels Christofferson, James Cowey, Francis Deblauwe, Dan Diffendale, Anthony Durham, Denitsa Dzhigova, Tom Elliott, Jordy Didier Orellana Figueroa, Martina Filosa, Jonathan Fu, Ryosuke Furui, Maija Gierhart, Sean Gillies, Matthias Grawehr, Amelia Grissom, Maxime Guénette, Andrew Harris, Greta Hawes, Ryan M. Horne, Carolin Johansson, Daniel C. Browning Jr., Noah Kaye, Philip Kenrick, Brady Kiesling, Yaniv Korman, Mark Krier, Divya Kumar-Dumas, Thomas Landvatter, Chris de Lisle, Yuyao Liu, Stanisław Ludwiński, Sean Manning, Gabriel McKee, John Muccigrosso, Jamie Novotny, Philipp Pilhofer, Jonathan Prag, Adam Rabinowitz, Rune Rattenborg, María Jesús Redondo, Charlotte Roueché, Karen Rubinson, Thomas Seidler, Rosemary Selth, Jason M. Silverman, R. Scott Smith, Néhémie Strupler, Richard Talbert, Francis Tassaux, Clifflena Tiah, Georgios Tsolakis, Scott Vanderbilt, Athanasia Varveri and Valeria Vitale.


  • Updated gazetteer data in this release: see "Contents" below.
  • Removed deprecated "legacy CSV" serialization. JSON or "CSV for GIS" are the recommended packages for most third-party reuse.
  • Added new "indexes" dataset: Pleiades places that reference certain external resources.
  • Improved serialization of vocabulary terms in "CSV for GIS" serialization and added the previously omitted "Time Periods" vocabulary.
  • Added new "sidebar" dataset: assertions by external datasets of relationships to Pleiades places.


This is a package of data derived from the Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places. It is used for archival and redistribution purposes and is likely to be less up-to-date than the live data at

Pleiades is a community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places. It publishes authoritative information about ancient places and spaces, providing unique services for finding, displaying, and reusing that information under open license. It publishes not just for individual human users, but also for search engines and for the widening array of computational research and visualization tools that support humanities teaching and research.

Pleiades is a continuously published scholarly reference work for the 21st century. We embrace the new paradigm of citizen humanities, encouraging contributions from any knowledgeable person and doing so in a context of pervasive peer review. Pleiades welcomes your contribution, no matter how small, and we have a number of useful tasks suitable for volunteers of every interest.

Access and Archiving

The latest versions of this package can be had by fork or download from the main branch at Numbered releases are created periodically at GitHub. These are archived at:

  • using the DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1193921
  • using the Handle 2451/34305
  • using the URI{version_number}


Pleiades is brought to you by:

  • Our volunteer content contributors (see data/rdf/authors.ttl for complete list and associated identifiers or data).
  • Pleiades has received significant, periodic support from the National Endowment for the Humanities since 2006. Grant numbers: HK-230973-15, PA-51873-06, PX-50003-08, and PW-50557-10. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
  • Web hosting and additional support has been provided since 2008 by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.
  • Additional support has been provided since 2000 by the Ancient World Mapping Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Development hosting and other project incubation support was provided between 2000 and 2008 by Ross Scaife and the Stoa Consortium.



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