Published July 31, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D3.4 Assessment of the industrial production

  • 1. Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Slovenia
  • 2. Advanced Management Solutions, Greece
  • 3. National Research Council – Institute for Construction Technologies, Italy


The deliverable D3.4 Assessment of the industrial production is related to Task 3.4 (titled the same as D3.4) within WP3 which is devoted to the pilot production of three types of InnoWEE products: ETICS-like panels, ventilated panels and radiant panels. The objective of Task 3.4 is on one side to set up fundamentals for factory production control (FPC) and on the other to define which properties should be measured on final products (Initial type testing – ITT).



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European Commission
InnoWEE – Innovative pre-fabricated components including different waste construction materials reducing building energy and minimising environmental impacts 723916