There is a newer version of the record available.

Published January 14, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Livorno, Highway pilot, connected car system and data management


Scenario description:


1. AD cars with C-eHorizon and V2X OBU devices on board travels on the highway. The highway is equipped with IoT G5 RSUs. All the devices publish and share the information by the oneM2M platform in the cloud.

Actions or events:

1 The Traffic Control Center publishes the presence of roadway works to the OneM2M platform.

2 The RSU (subscribed to the OneM2M platform) receives the information and it broadcasts to the vehicles the DENM message containing information about available lanes, speed limits, geometry, alternative routes etc.

3 At the same time, the CONTI cloud is subscribed to the oneM2M platform; it receives and shares with the FCA cloud the information of the road works, updating dynamically the maps of the Connected e-Horizon installed onboard the CRF AD car

4 The in-vehicle application fusing the information from the OBU, the C-eHorizon and on-board sensors, performs speed adaptation and lane-change maneuvers

Relevant situations: How the AD function interacts with different IoT input: from I2V (DENM, Roadwork position and extension); from V2V (CAM with info from other vehicles).

Session description:

pre-test session with only connected cars, lap of 11,6 km on the highway. Goal is to check all the system and data management.

Datasets description:

AUTOPILOT_Livorno_HighwayPilot_Vehicle_all: Data generated from the vehicle sensors

This dataset refers to the vehicle datasets generated from the vehicle sensors during Highway Piloting in Livorno. This includes the data coming from the CAN bus and GPS. It includes following kind of dataset: Vehicle: general data (speed, battery); PositioningSystem: data from GPS; VehicleDynamics: data about dynamic (acceleration...); LateralControl: steering and lane control data

AUTOPILOT_Livorno_HighwayPilot_V2X_all: V2V messages during the Highway Pilot sessions

This dataset refers to the V2V messages exchanged between ITS stations (vehicles and RSUs) during the Highway Piloting in Livorno.

AUTOPILOT_Livorno_HighwayPilot_IoT_all: Data extracted from IoT oneM2M platform

This dataset refers to messages exchanged by HighwayPilot devices, applications and services across the oneM2M platform.


Additional details


European Commission
AUTOPILOT – AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things 731993