Published December 19, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Versailles, Urban driving, Automated Driving and VRU detection


Scenario description: cyclist and pedestrian detection during automated driving.

Session description: Automated Driving part of the trip only. Two rounds: the first one without IoT (VRUs not connected) then with IoT (pedestrian with smartphone/watch and cyclist with connected bike).

Datasets descriptions:

AUTOPILOT_Versailles_UrbanDriving_Vehicle: Data generated from the vehicle sensors

Vehicle datasets generated by the vehicle sensors during urban driving at Versailles. This includes the data coming from the CAN bus and GPS. It includes following kind of datasets: Vehicle: general data (speed, battery), PositioningSystem: data from GPS, VehicleDynamics: data about dynamic (acceleration...), Accel: acceleration data, EnvironmentSensorsAbsolute: environment sensors in absolute coordinates

AUTOPILOT_Versailles_UrbanDriving_V2X: V2X messages during uraban driving sessions

Data exchanged with other vehicles and pedestrian during urban driving. SortOfCam: messages sent or received from bicycles

AUTOPILOT_Versailles_UrbanDriving_IoT: Data extracted from IoT oneM2M platform

This dataset refers to messages exchanged by urban driving and car sharing application with vehicle, across oneM2M platform. oneM2M: car sharing status data

AUTOPILOT_Versailles_UrbanDriving_CAM: CAM messages

This dataset refers to messages captured inside the vehicle during car sharing.


Additional details


European Commission
AUTOPILOT – AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things 731993