Published July 11, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper Restricted

Enhancing REST HTTP with Random Linear Network Coding in Dynamic Edge Computing Environments

  • 1. Technische Universität Braunschweig


The rising number of IoT devices is accelerating the research on new solutions that will be able to efficiently deal with unreliable connectivity in highly dynamic computing applications. To improve the overall performance in IoT applications, there are multiple communication solutions available, either proprietary or open source, all of which satisfy different communication requirements. Most commonly, for this kind of communication, developers choose REST HTTP protocol as a result of its ease of use and compatibility with the existing computing infrastructure.
In applications where mobility and unreliable connectivity play a significant role, ensuring a reliable exchange of data with the stateless REST HTTP protocol completely depends on the developer itself. This often means resending multiple request messages when the connection fails, constantly trying to access the service until the connection reestablishes. In order to alleviate
this problem, in this paper, we combine REST HTTP with random
linear network coding (RLNC) to reduce the number of additional
retransmissions. We show how using RLNC with REST HTTP
requests can decrease the reconnection time by reducing the
additional packet retransmissions in unreliable highly dynamic



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