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Published November 19, 2018 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Introduction to Humanities Research Data Management

  • 1. University of Applied Sciences Potsdam


Slides from WORKSHOP - Introduction to Humanities Research Data Management (Part 1 Theory, Ulrike Wuttke) held at Luxembourg Open Science Forum, 15.11.2018

Reusable, machine-readable data are one pillar of Open Science (Open Scholarship). Serving this data
reuse aspect requires from researchers to carefully document their methods and to take good care of
their research data. Due to this paradigm shift, for Humanities and Heritage researchers, activities and
issues around planning, organizing, storing, and sharing data and other research results and products
play an increasing role. Therefore, during two workshop sessions Ulrike Wuttke and Jochen Klar will dive
with the participants into a number of topics, technologies, and methods that are connected with
Humanities Research Data Management. The participants will acquire knowledge and skills that will
enable them to draft their own executable research data management plan that will support the
production of reusable, machine-readable data, a key prerequisite for conducting effective and
sustainable projects. Topics that will be covered are theoretical reflections on the role of data within
humanities research and cultural heritage studies, opportunities and challenges of eHumanities and
eResearch, implementing the FAIR principles and relevant standards, and basics of Data Management

Learning outcomes: Participants of this workshop will gain an overview about issues related to
Humanities Research Data Management and learn about relevant tools and information resources.
Through a hands-on session, the participants will be especially equipped and skilled to draft the nucleus
of their own Research Data Management Plan.

Structure of the workshop: The workshop will consist of two sessions. In the morning session, the
basics of Humanities Research Data Management will be discussed with the participants using examples
from various humanities backgrounds and projects. The afternoon session will be dedicated to handson
data management planning using the data management planning tool RDMO. This supervised
practical exercise will offer the participants the opportunity to learn by doing. Participants are
encouraged to discuss data management issues related to their own projects (or project ideas) ideas
and to contact the trainers beforehand.

Audience: The workshop sessions are aimed at Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage researchers
and practitioners with who wish to learn how to enable good Research Data Management and the
sharing and reuse of data from a humanities point of view. No special previous knowledge or
programming skills are required.

Ulrike Wuttke (Doctor of Literature, Universiteit Gent 2012, is a medievalist and
textual scholar by training. She contributes to projects and networks in digital preservation and digital
arts and humanities via groups such as the Working Group Data Centres of the Verband Digital
Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (deputy convenor). Her professional activities focus on training
and personal counselling on data management, open science and Digital Humanities as well as public
relations, communication and outreach. She joined the PARTHENOS project and FH Potsdam in April
2017. She leads task 7.2 (Implementation of the Training plan) of the H2020 project PARTHENOS. She
coordinates the further development of its online training platform, the PARTHENOS Training Suite, and
the PARTHENOS eHumanities and eHeritage Webinar Series.

Jochen Klar (PhD in numerical cosmology, University of Potsdam 2012, works in the area of
data management and eScience at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and takes part in
various data related projects, both in astrophysics as well as in interdisciplinary contexts. He was
involved in the development of several astronomical data portals (e.g. RAVE, APPLAUSE, CosmoSim,
GREGOR). For the DFG projects RADIESCHEN and DFG-VRE, he investigated the sustainability and the
organizational structure of data management and virtual research environments in Germany. He is the
main developer of the Daiquiri framework for the publication of astronomical databases and of the
RDM-planning tool RDMO (Research Data Management Organiser).

PARTHENOS Training Suite:
RDMO Main Site:





The PARTHENOS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654119.


Wuttke_ResearchDataManagementHumanities_LuxOSF_2018_20181114_v1.0 without slide texts.pdf