Published November 11, 2024 | Version v1
Presentation Open

PIDs in an early phase research data management platform: RSpace

  • 1. ROR icon Research Space (United Kingdom)


PIDs are often considered in the late research phases, e.g. upon publishing a manuscript or publicizing a dataset. RSpace is a digital research data management platform used in the early, active research phase.  RSpace integrates with a wide range of research data infrastructure, e.g. data repositories and data management planning tools,  to facilitate the passage of data and metadata through a connected research ecosystem.  Here, we share learnings from a recent integration of a PID registration workflow into RSpace’s physical sample management solutions using International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSNs), as well as discuss opportunities for how PIDs can be incorporated early in the development of metadata of research objects. We’ll overview further PID related initiatives to improve the FAIRness of research data and metadata generated and passing through RSpace.



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