Published September 18, 2024 | Version v1
Conference proceeding Open

Biomimicry-inspired design optimization of a latent thermal energy storage system using phase change materials

  • 1. ROR icon University of Lleida
  • 2. Universitat de Lleida



This study aims at designing a new thermal energy storage (TES) tank biomimicry inspired. This paper presents a first experimental evaluation of the concept and the first steps towards optimization using genetic algorithm (GA) techniques. The concept is based on an innovative pipe branching geometry within a shell-and-tube tank configuration that can maximize heat transfer while meeting pressure drop constraints and effectively managing the temperature gradient. Promising designs will be carefully chosen for prototyping and their charging and discharging rates will be measured through experimental testing. The simulation results showed superior performance compared to the initial biomimicry-inspired prototype that did not undergo GA optimization. Therefore, it is anticipated that the optimized designs will confirm the effectiveness of GA optimization and offer valuable insights into enhancing thermal energy storage (TES) performance.


Biomimicry-inspired design optimization of a latent thermal energy storage system using phase change materials_GREiA_Enerstock2024.pdf

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SUSHEAT – Smart Integration of Waste and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Heat Upgrade in the Industry 101103552
European Commission

