Published August 27, 2024 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

ENDGAME - Laboratory Experiment 2024-03-21 Exp. 022 - High Speed Camera data


Shock-tube experiments in combination with high speed Schlieren shadow photography. 

The shocktube setup consists of a high-pressure reservoir connected with a cylindrical tube through a diaphragm pulse valve which allows a fast release of pressurized gas into the ambient pressure tube. The high-pressure reservoir is filled with compressed air at a given overpressure with respect to ambient pressure (up to 8 bar). The pipe was either empty (i.e. with air at ambient conditions) or filled with a given amount of small particles. We adopted a pipe with an inner diameter of 4 cm (outer diameter 5 cm) and 80 cm long. The volume of pressurized gas injected into the pipe was ~3000 cm3. In some cases a pressure sensor has been placed at the vent of the conduit to record pressure variations during the experiment. Images from the high speed camera were collected at a frame rate of 30000 fps.

When the valve is open, a jet flow is produced, with shock and acoustic waves propagating in the atmosphere, which become visible due to the high speed Schlieren shadow photography.


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European Commission
ENDGAME – laboratory Experiments, Numerical moDellinG and field observAtions of basaltic Magma fragmEntation 101025887