Published July 14, 2024 | Version 1.00
Conference paper Open

Enhancing Closed-Loop Performance in Manufacturing Processes Using Universal Controller Tuning for Industrial Practice

  • 1. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


This research paper introduces a novel approach to enhance closed-loop performance in manufacturing processes, catering specifically to industrial practice. The primary objective is to design a supervisory controller capable of shaping the response of an existing yet rigid, closed- loop system while adhering to crucial criteria like respecting process constraints or allowing for simple synthesis of the tuning options. The manuscript shows how to extend the universal tuning strategy with a lead-lag compensator, which decreases the rise time and removes possible oscillations. Two experiments are conducted: one employs a traditional approach, and the second verifies the lead-lag extension. Experimental results demonstrate the significant impact of the universal tuner on closed-loop performance, particularly in the overall effect on quality criteria of control performance.



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FrontSeat – Fostering Opportunities Towards Slovak Excellence in Advanced Control for Smart Industries 101079342
European Commission
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Slovak Research and Development Agency
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