Published July 15, 2024 | Version v0.111.0-preview.10
Software Open

feelpp/feelpp: Feel++ Release V111 preview.10

  • 1. Cemosis
  • 2. ROR icon University of Strasbourg
  • 3. Feel++ Consortium
  • 4. IRMA
  • 6. IRMA, Université de Strasbourg
  • 7. ROR icon Paris Descartes University
  • 8. Inria Centre de Recherche Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée
  • 9. ROR icon Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche
  • 10. ROR icon Sorbonne University


🎉 We're happy to share our developments as we approach the V111 release of Feel++. Following a refreshed naming strategy, we've moved to the -preview.x suffix from the conventional -alpha.x, -beta, or -rc labels. This change signifies our dedication to enhancing transparency and setting clear expectations for our pre-release versions.

Each pre-release version of Feel++ undergoes a rigorous process, encompassing detailed reviews, extensive tests across varied scenarios, and careful packaging. Our commitment to delivering a high-quality, reliable experience is reflected in our comprehensive platform support strategy. Alongside offering support for the latest two Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of Ubuntu and the newest LTS version of Debian, we're excited to announce that Feel++ is now accessible to Windows users through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and to Mac users via MacPorts, Homebrew, Docker and now Apptainer. This expansion of platform support is a testament to our commitment to making Feel++ as accessible and versatile as possible for our diverse user base.

As we continue to refine and enhance Feel++, the V111 release promises to bring forward significant innovations and improvements. Stay tuned for further updates of Feel++.


docker pull
docker run ls
apptainer pull -F oras://
apptainer exec feelpp_v0.111.0-preview.10-jammy-sif.sif feelpp_toolbox_fluid --version

What's Changed

Exciting New Features 🎉

  • resolve 2231 : Support parts configuration in exporter by @vincentchabannes in
  • resolves 1489 and 2175: enrich range object and simplify FunctionSpace by @prudhomm in
  • resolves 2191 and 2196: cleanup and python wrapper for forms and implement feelpp namespace package by @prudhomm in
  • resolves 2233: improve hdg toolbox, add new terms by @prudhomm in
  • resolves 2259: add script to get feelpp version and improve packaging workflow by @prudhomm in

HPC Changes

  • resolves 2246: fix non blocking mpi communication for large scale communications by @vincentchabannes in

Recent Publications using Feel++


Full Changelog:



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