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Published July 7, 2024 | Version v6
Dataset Open

Global gridded scenarios of residential cooling energy demand to 2050

  • 1. CMCC, IIASA
  • 2. Università di Bologna
  • 3. UNIVE, CMCC
  • 4. Boston University


# ggACene (global gridded Air Conditioning energy) projections

### Output AC and AC electricity gridded data

This repository hosts output data for SSPs126, 245, 370 and 585 on the estimated and future projected ownership of residential air conditioning (% of households), the related energy consumption (TWh/yr.), and the underlying population counts (useful to quantify the per-capita average consumption or the headcount of people affected by the cooling gap). These data are contained in the multi-layer .nc (NCDF) files, which can be opened and processed in any GIS software/library, or visualised in softwares such as Panoply.

### Input data and analysis replication

The repository also hosts input data to replicate the entire data generating process. A twin Github repository hosts code ( to run the model generating the ggACene (global gridded Air Conditioning energy) projections dataset.

## Instructions
To reproduce the model and generate the dataset from scratch, please refer to the following steps:
- Download input data "replication_package_input_data.7z" by cloning the repository
- Decompress the folder using 7-Zip (
- Open RStudio and adjust the path folder in the sourcer.R script
- Run the sourcer.R script to train the ML model, make projections, and represent result files

### Figures replication package

Finally, the archive contains an R script and processed input data to replicate all the figures contained in the manuscript.

### Reference

Falchetta, G., De Cian, E., Pavanello, F., & Wing, I. S. Inequalities in global residential cooling energy use to 2050. Nature Communications


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