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Published June 6, 2024 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Open Source Software and Open Licenses – A practical approach

  • 1. ROR icon Universidad de Granada


What is the relation between Open Science and Software Licenses? What is the difference between Free Software and Open Source? Which process should I follow to share my software? In this presentation, we will demystify various software licenses, ranging from permissive ones like MIT and Apache to copyleft licenses such as the GNU General Public License (GPL). We will demonstrate how the choice of a particular license can influence the accessibility, distribution, and reuse of scientific software, highlighting the pivotal connection between open-source licensing and the principles of Open Science.


Series information (English)

ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Ambassador Webinar Series on Open Science 

The webinar series is organized by Birgit Schmidt, Inge Van Nieuwerburgh, Liisi Lembinen, Merle Schatz (all ENLIGHT RISE) and Pia Voigt (Arqus Alliance). 

Open Science is one of the guiding principles in research to strive for cooperation, reusability and transparency across disciplines and borders. Within this framework, the ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Ambassador Open Science Webinar Series discuss needs, challenges and expectations of implementing and developing Open Science activities in their networks.  

Archive of Webinar recording and materials 


licences English.pdf

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