Published January 16, 2018 | Version last authors draft
Conference paper Open

SUMCASTEC_180116_Amended_IMS17Paper_Conference paper_.pdf_Limoges_A. Pothier_Partners and public_Last draft

  • 1. XLIM, University of Limoges
  • 2. Homéostasie cellulaire et Pathologies, University of Limoges
  • 3. IHP
  • 4. Bangor University
  • 5. XLIM, University of LimogesLIM, University of Limoges


2017 International Microwave Symposium paper entitled "Biological Cell Discrimination Based on Their High Frequency Dielectropheretic Signatures at UHF Frequencies". Honolulu June 4-9th 2017. Amended version: see additional notes.


This version amends the wrong naming in the previous record: the conference is the IEEE IMS 2017, not 2018.


SUMCASTEC_180116_NA_IMS17Paper_Conference paper_.pdf_Limoges_A. Pothier_Partners and public_Last draft.pdf

Additional details


SUMCASTEC – Semiconductor-based Ultrawideband Micromanipulation of CAncer STEm Cells 737164
European Commission